NMA Ventures rebrands as OneTen° Capital ahead of second round of investments

Thank you to Matt at ABQ Business First for his reporting of our rebrand and launch of Fund II.


By Matt Narvaiz  –  Reporter, Albuquerque Business First

Aug 26, 2021, 11:03am EDT

NMA Ventures has rebranded as it plans to expand its scope to companies outside New Mexico.

The venture capital firm, founded in 2018 to invests in early-stage technology startups, will now be known as OneTen° Capital. The firm will offer investment capital to startups in states such as Arizona, Utah and Colorado, the firm said.

"We know that technology-based companies provide the greatest return for both investors and founders," cofounder and general partner Sherman McCorkle said in a prepared statement. "OneTen° Capital will provide limited partner investors a broad and rich array of technology-based investments with dynamic leadership that pave the way to fruitful exits for all."

The rebrand was designed by Denver, Colorado-based Vienna Creative, which also has offices in Albuquerque. Dorian Rader, managing partner and cofounder of OneTen° Capital, said the new name encompasses the new direction of the firm.


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NMA Ventures Announces Rebranding