6 ways for leaders to stay focused under pressure

In business, as in life, when the pressure is on, it can be really difficult to stay focused. When a person panics under pressure, they can end up making critical mistakes that can cost them everything.

It’s crucial for business leaders to be able to stay calm and make good decisions even in the most chaotic situations. Here, some expert panel members from Business Journals Leadership Trust share the best ways for industry leaders to stay focused under pressure.


1. Practice self-care and good work-life balance.

Do your best to practice self-care and a good work-life balance where possible. Try to ensure you have adequate time to contemplate decisions and discuss them with stakeholders prior to taking action. – Dorian Rader, OneTen° Capital

2. Stay mentally and physically balanced.

Keep a mental and physical balance, personally and professionally, giving your mind a clear and uncluttered opportunity to review and discern respective challenges. Avoiding situational overlap and hasty decision making (as much as possible) allows you time and stress-relief valves. It’s an opportunity to completely evaluate from 360 degrees and make an informed decision rather than a shotgun one. – Clayton Garrett, American Wholesale Lighting

3. Find ways to resist the urge to succumb.

The magic here is resisting the urge to succumb to pressure. When there is pressure, there is almost certainly a jump in a process or procedure or an unrealistic expectation or deadline. Having a process for everything helps to slow down change, giving leaders an opportunity to make educated decisions. A leader should not make a decision without being well-informed on a topic. – Mackenzie Toland, A New Leaf Therapeutic Services PLLC

4. Ask your future self for advice.

Try asking your future self for advice. Making decisions in the moment can easily be influenced by emotion. It’s likely your future self will have space from the present pressure and clarity in the present situation that you do not. By looking at a situation as a past tense, you give yourself space to stay calm and collective under any type of pressure. – Rachel Namoff, Arapaho Asset Management

5. Never make a split-second decision.

I’m a big believer in the “deep breath” philosophy. My staff has heard it over and over again. Never make an emotional or split-second decision that isn’t life or death. Consider all of the options and invite trusted opinions. Take a deep breath before you make the choice. Then another. If you still aren’t sure, you haven’t considered everything and should re-evaluate. – Erik Soiferman, Liberty Urgent Care

6. Write the decision down and sleep on it.

Before making a critical decision, write it down and read it back out loud. Think about it for 24 hours and then make the decision. Don’t be afraid to take time, and be patient. – David Wescott, Transblue


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